Is Antisemitism Antisemitic?

First published: 10th May 2021 by Never Again Association (NAA)

A distributor of antisemitic publications has brought a court case against the NEVER AGAIN Association, Poland’s leading anti-racist organization. The hearings commenced in the Warsaw District Court on 6 May.

Image: Lobroart via Shutterstock

Image: Lobroart via Shutterstock

3DOM Publishing House, with registered offices in Czestochowa, brought the case following the removal of its items from the popular e-commerce platform Allegro, which happened when ‘NEVER AGAIN’ brought the antisemitic publications to Allegro’s attention.

The Association noted and reported the hateful content of several items sold by 3DOM to the Allegro platform in 2020. Among them were contemporary editions of pre-war books such as ‘The Jewish Global Politics Programme. Conspiracy and Disclosure’ by the notorious antisemite Fr. Stanislaw Trzeciak, ‘Notes From A Prison’, a compilation of anti-Jewish tirades by Eligiusz Niewiadomski, the murderer of Polish President Gabriel Narutowicz, ‘The Strategy of Zion. The Unknown History of The Chosen People’, a Holocaust-denying book by Douglas Reed, as well as a book repeating medieval accusations against Jews entitled ‘Ritual Murder - Historical Facts’, co-authored by Grzegorz Braun, a Member of Parliament for the far-right Confederation party.

The lawyer for 3DOM Publishing House alleged that calling the above publications antisemitic violated the good name and reputation of 3DOM. The court claim against the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is for financial compensation for the harm caused, an apology and an undertaking that in the future ‘NEVER AGAIN’ will not appeal to Allegro for the withdrawal of any product offered for sale by 3DOM Publishing House.

Dr Wojciech Marchwicki from the Warsaw branch of the international law firm Hogan Lovells stated on behalf of ‘NEVER AGAIN’ that ‘All the activities of the Association which are directed at the elimination of racist or discriminatory content from the public sphere are of great service to society. Reporting to Allegro that antisemitic publications were being distributed by 3DOM Publishing House did not constitute an unlawful infringement of personal rights.’

The publications reported by the Association are extremely and ostentatiously antisemitic and incite hatred based on national, ethnic, racial and religious differences. In the plea submitted to the Court, the representative of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association listed numerous examples of extreme antisemitic and discriminatory content in the items distributed by the 3DOM Publishing House, such as:

- “Jews living in Christian countries and alongside Christian nations are a highly undesirable element. They are like an alien organism in our body, which will always cause disturbances unless it encounters stronger resistance. The Jewish problem never loses its vitality and Christian nations should make strenuous efforts to resolve it’ (a quote from ‘The Talmud. Its Contents and Teachings’ by Jozef Kruszynski)”;

- “The nation must separate itself from the moral plague of Jewry with a Chinese wall. (...) The Aryan world will face a terrible, fatal battle in the future with the hundred footed Jewish polyp’ (Eligiusz Niewiadomski ‘Notes From A Prison’)”;

- “Removal of the Jewish parasites from the press, the radio and cinema, and thus from the Polish mentality is as great and sublime a task as their removal from trade, crafts and industry. (...) Let everyone’s eyes be opened, especially those who «have eyes but cannot see», in order to stimulate the whole nation to self defence and to the liberation of Poland from the foreign, harmful and hostile Jewish elements’ (Stanislaw Trzeciak ‘Talmud on Gentiles and the Jewish Question in Poland’)”;

- “Thus, it is not Hitler, but the Talmud that persecutes the Jews. Hitler is only an instrument in the hands of God’s Justice’ (Stanislaw Trzeciak ‘Messianism and the Jewish Question’)”.

The books identified by the Association contain a whole range of antisemitic clichés. They usually form the central elements of these books. They abound in descriptions of Jewish conspiracies, such as striving for power over the world, innate hatred of Christians or ritual murders.

Both Polish criminal law and Allegro rules prohibit trading in items promoting fascism and other totalitarian systems or inciting hatred on the basis of national, ethnic, racial, religious differences.

Furthermore, the publications distributed by the 3DOM Publishing House do not have any scientific or educational value. They are devoid of reliable historical introductions or any critical evaluation. Quite the opposite, the foreword usually contains an enthusiastic introduction by the contemporary publisher. In an expert opinion presented to the court, Dr Maciej Moszynski, a historian and a researcher of antisemitism, pointed out that these editions do not contain any critical commentary, and, on the contrary, provide vindication for extremely antisemitic content: ‘The notes from the publisher are in line with the antisemitic discourse, the central element of which is the figure of the Jew as the enemy.’

3DOM Publishing House is represented by its legal advisor Jaroslaw Litwin. Litwin gained fame as the advocate of former priest Jacek Miedlar, who was accused of promoting antisemitism and xenophobia. The founder of 3DOM, Tomasz Stala, is a close associate of Grzegorz Braun, a Member of Parliament representing the far-right Confederation Party.

After a short hearing, the court adjourned the case in order to consider the documentation – the parties’ pleas and evidence. The next hearing will probably be scheduled for the second half of the year.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia. Since 2005, it has led the ‘Racism-Delete’ campaign, which has the objective of removing racist content from the internet. The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is a member of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH). The Association also takes part in projects to counteract online hate speech including ‘Get the Trolls Out’ and ‘Open Code for Hate-Free Communication’.

Additional information:

Screenshot from TRTDeutsch

Constantin Schreiber’s “Mosquepedia”: the Islam map for Germany 

Just as problematic is another project launched by Schreiber: “Mosquepedia” [Moscheepedia in the original German] is a website with a similar appearance to Wikipedia that lists mosques around Germany. The site is currently down for maintenance. The aim of “Mosquepedia” is to provide an overview of hundreds of mosques, with photos, information and translated sermons that are placed in context by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars of Islamic learning. All users can register with the site and subsequently contribute their own texts or images. 

This is an extremely problematic project coming from a man whose outlook on Islam and Muslims appears to be driven by a deep-rooted fear – no matter how often he claims he is simply seeking to provide visibility and transparency regarding Muslims in Germany. In the context of Schreiber’s works, all the website does is stigmatise Muslims. 

A similar project attracted attention recently in Austria: At the end of May, Susanne Raab, Minister of Integration for the Austrian People’s Party, published an interactive “Islam map”. In total, 623 Muslim associations, organisations and mosques were listed on the map, along with affiliations, an assessment of their ideological standpoint – and their address. It caused great unease among Muslims in Austria and beyond, as reported by Belltower.News. Right-wing extremists responded promptly, erecting “warning signs” in front of Muslim institutions around Austria. 

In reference to “Mosquepedia”, Der Spiegel quoted Schreiber as saying, “It’s not about being hostile towards mosques; it’s about making them more visible”. Even if that is the case, the publication of Schreiber’s latest book clearly shows the resentment the purported “expert on Islam” has toward the religion. Still, it is difficult to say just how Islamophobic Schreiber actually is. It could be the case that he simply saw which way the wind was blowing in the market and understood that riffing on Islamophobia would be well received by the public while hitting a nerve among certain circles. 

Screenshot of #Moscheepedia results on Instagram



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