The campaign’s complaints about and reporting of anti-religious hate speech in traditional and new media are detailed here.

EUJS Files Joint Lawsuit Against Twitter
The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) has joined forces with HateAid, a non-profit organisation in Germany, to file a civil action against Twitter.

Report published by the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association results in YouTube channel Media Narodowe removal
The release of a report by the NEVER AGAIN Association into Poland’s Media Narodowe, a far-right online TV/YouTube channel owned by the Independence March Association and subsidized by the Ministry of Culture, has led to the channel being removed from YouTube.

Warsaw Historical Book Fair releases public apology following ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association complaint
A complaint by the NEVER AGAIN Association, Get the Trolls Out! partner in Poland, against antisemitic publications being included in a Warsaw book fair has led to a public apology by the organisers.

Media Diversity Institute and Get the Trolls Out! Ask Pope to Retract Statement on Ethnoreligious Minorities
On 22nd November 2022, Pope Francis gave an interview to American Magazine in which he discussed several issues including the War in Ukraine. In his interview he implied that ethnoreligious minorities in Russia are crueller than those of the ‘Russian tradition’.

LICRA denounces antisemitic conspiracy narrative spread by Professor
LICRA has denounced an antisemitic conspiracy narrative spread by Gael Giraud, a professor at the prestigious French National Center for Scientific Research. During a discussion, broadcasted on the YouTube channel ‘Thinkerview’, Giraud shared the prominent antisemitic conspiracy theory of the New World Order, according to which Jews are seen to hold power and control over the world and are seen to be overrepresented in the most influential sectors.