The Importance of Moderating Online Comments to Combat Hate Speech

Photo credit: Volodymyr Hryshchenko (Unsplash)

In recent months, Moldovan online news platform has faced significant challenges in managing user comments, particularly those involving hate speech. Monitoring in April and May by GTTO's Moldovan partner, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), found numerous unmoderated antisemitic and derogatory comments about the Orthodox Church in articles. In response, the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) intervened, sending a formal message to’s management on May 17th. Their message highlighted the primary issues within the comments section, referencing Moldova’s laws on freedom of expression and human rights, emphasising the need to follow ethical guidelines and laws against hate speech. The IJC urged the newsroom to moderate comments and remove content that could be considered hate speech. responded promptly on May 21st, with the Product Manager assuring that the moderation team would address the issues pointed out by the IJC and take necessary actions to fix them. Notably, in the second half of May, there was a significant improvement in comment moderation, with only one incident reported.


The Role and Responsibility of Media in Managing Hate Speech


The case of highlights the critical importance of monitoring and moderating online comments to combat hate speech. Today, media platforms are public spaces where different opinions are shared. However, this openness can sometimes lead to the spread of harmful and hateful messages. Media outlets have a legal and ethical duty to prevent hate speech on their platforms. In Moldova, the Constitution prohibits hate speech that promotes discrimination. Moldova’s law on freedom of expression further defines hate speech as expressions inciting hatred based on race, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, or other forms of intolerance. Bymoderating comments, media organisations can stop the spread of hate speech and contribute to healthier public discussions.

Furthermore, monitoring and addressing hateful comments helps maintain the credibility and trust of a media outlet. Readers are more likely to trust a platform that actively fights hate speech and promotes respectful conversations. Effective moderations allow us to protect vulnerable groups from harmful messages that can incite violence or discrimination. In the case of, prompt action to remove antisemitic comments and derogatory remarks about religious groups is essential to protect the dignity and rights of affected communities. A well moderated platform promotes respectful debates, keeping conversations focused on issues rather than descending into hate speech.

How the Media Can Manage Hate in Comment Sections

To manage hate in the comments section, media platforms should start by establishing clear guidelines for acceptable behaviour. It is essential that they should also invest in proper training for moderation teams and encourage users to report inappropriate comments. By implementing these measures, media platforms can promote positive, respectful conversations and protect communities from harmful rhetoric.’s recent improvements after the IJC’s intervention highlights a positive example of creating a safer online environment. Media platforms must be held accountable for managing hate speech and should proactively take measures to prevent it, ensuring a more inclusive and respectful public dialogue.


Stand Up Against Online Hate Speech’s recent experience shows just how important it is to keep online spaces free from hate. If you care about making the internet a safer place, we’ve got tools and tips to help you.


Visit our resources on online hate speech to learn how you can spot and deal with harmful comments. Let’s work together to create a kinder, more respectful online world.


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