This section lists articles by project experts and other contributors on the subject of anti-religious hate speech.
French Muslims Weather A Hostile Media Climate
France's hardline governmental and media offensive against "Islamist separatism" is tightening the screws on already marginalised Muslim communities in the country, prompting many French Muslims to consider leaving the country.
Islamist Attack and Right-Wing Extremist Assault Destabilises France
Islamists and right-wing extremists have a common goal: the disruption and destruction of liberal democracy. France was shaken by attacks on October 29th, 2020 - one carried out by an Islamist, one by a right-wing extremist.
Parents Baited Through “SAVE THE CHILDREN” Conspiracy
Conspiracy beliefs also come in pastel colours. The “Save the Children” campaign has transformed alternative-medicine practitioners, make-up artists and Insta-moms into passionate QAmoms, spewing the anti-democratic and antisemitic ideology of QAnon into their social circles. We did some digging on Instagram to find out more.
TikTok Updates Hate Speech Policy
Social media platform TikTok has announced an update to their hate speech policy.
Facebook to Remove Holocaust Denial on the Platform
On October 12th, Facebook announced they are updating their hate speech policy to “prohibit any content that denies or distorts the Holocaust.
Understanding The Antisemitic History Of The “HOOKED NOSE” Stereotype
Even when it is a harmless drawing, the "hooked nose" is a harmful stereotype.
Is Hate and Prejudice in Our DNA?
We need to learn how to acknowledge our evolutionary roots while building a better world.
Half-Hearted At Half-Time - The Continuing Trial Against The Far-Right Halle Shooter
Ten court dates in, the trial against the far-right Halle shooter has been marked by a lacklustre investigation and a string of poor expert testimonies from the authorities. But while the attacker attempts to use the trial as a platform for his antisemitic ideology, the survivors have had a far greater impact through their moving statements – and harsh words for the police. A half-time report.
Old Tropes, New Outlets: Antisemitism During Lockdown
Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, antisemitic conspiracy theories have proliferated online, using age-old tropes to frame the disease as a Jewish plot while making use of the new communication platforms that grew in popularity during the lockdown.
The more we understand the less afraid we are. Why does the QAnon conspiracy gain support in the information era?