Never Again Association Complains to The Council of Media Ethics in Poland about Islamophobic Hate and Incitement to Violence in Do Rzeczy

NAA (Never Again Association)Get the Trolls Out! partner in Poland, lodged an official complaint with The Council of Media Ethics in Poland about a recent article published in Do Rzeczy [To the Point]. The article in question is an opinion piece by Wojciech Cejrowski, a controversial TV journalist. Titled ‘The Supremacy of My Race’, it claims that Christianity “is a morally SUPERIOR [sic.] civilization and since it is superior, we have a DUTY to look down on barbaric Islam and to fight against its expressions.” Cejrowski further insinuates that all Muslims are terrorists. In making these false claim, the author repeats well-worn Islamophobic untruths about Islam being universally oppressive of women and inherently violent

“This extreme article is openly racist,” emphasises NAA.

The fact that it was published in one of Poland’s main right-wing weeklies, with an estimated print circulation of around 30,000 copies, is further cause for alarm. Since coming to power in 2015, Poland’s right-wing populist PiS (Law and Justice) party has dismantled the state’s independent broadcast and print media. At the same time, loyal publications are being showered with state support. Do Rzeczy itself is sponsored, among others, by several state-owned companies and the Polish Ministry of Justice, casting serious doubt on its editorial independence.

This page will be updated if and when NAA receives a response from the Councl of Media Ethics.


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