In France the online newspaper ‘Mediapart’ published an article on 12 April 2018 entitled ‘Vampires do not feed on their own blood’. The vampire in the article refers to Bernard-Henry Lévy, French public intellectual, media personality, and author. The comparison of Bernard-Henry Lévy to a vampire is an old fashioned anti-Semitic stereotype. The article was posted on the blogs' club of the online newspaper ‘Mediapart’ and was also posted on the Algerian newspaper ‘Algérie patriotique’ – an opposition newspaper in Algeria.
One quote from the article: "Bernard-Henri Lévy has just popped out of his hole as a bloodthirsty vampire, with his hooked teeth and his cadaver-like face."
Licra, International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism, messaged ‘Mediapart’ on Twitter asking the publication to remove its anti-Semitic article and they duly did so.