Symbiosis asks YouTube to ban videos of notorious holocaust denier in Greece

GTTO partner Symbiosis – School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe has filed a report on YouTube requesting the definitive ban of the Konstantinos Plevris’ account for its antisemitic content. 


Plevris is a well-known commentator in Greece and a fierce holocaust denier who appears on current affairs TV shows. While monitoring the platform, Symbiosis noticed a continuous re-publication of videos that have already been given restricted access or deleted. 

In the video “Incredible antisemitic delirium of Constantine Plevris to G. Karatzaferis (2/5/19)”, Plevris is guest on an ART channel TV show hosted by Karatzaferis. Invited to comment on the Auschwitz death camp, Plevris presents what he calls “evidence” from his book “Auschwitz – Myths and realities”, claiming that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp. Plevris makes provocative statements citing “testimonies” that claim gas chambers were in fact shower rooms (9:00), and that the camp hosted tourist facilities, such as pools, entertainment centers, shops, canteens and brothels (11:50). He then explicitly denies the Holocaust (24:00). 

This video, uploaded by various accounts, has been removed by YouTube as a result of reports by Symbiosis. but continues to resurface despite breaching YouTube’s community standards. 


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