The campaign’s complaints about and reporting of anti-religious hate speech in traditional and new media are detailed here.

SVF gets antisemitic comments removed from an article on Hungarian magazine
Hungarian magazine Mandiner has removed violent antisemitic comments from their website after the Subjective Values Foundation (SVF) sent a complaint requesting urgent moderation. This was done as part of Get the Trolls Out! campaign.

NAA complains about Polish Radio 24 promoting Antisemitism
GTTO partner NAA (Never Again Association) sent a complaint about Polish Radio 24 to the Council for Media Ethics and to the Ombudsman's Office. The complaint was about a radio show discussion that promoted antisemitic views. Though it aired on the 80th anniversary of the infamous Jedwabne pogrom, part of the Holocaust, where many Polish Jews were massacred, this topic was not discussed.

Joint Complaint to the City of Aalst over Antisemitic and Racist Carnival
Several Get The Trolls Out! partners submitted a joint complaint letter to the city of Aalst, in Belgium. The complaint was regarding the annual Carnival parade which took place in February this year, which heavily featured antisemitic and racists elements.