• Combatting hate speech on religious grounds

What we stand for…

We strive for a world where people from Jewish, Muslim, Christian and other faith backgrounds can live free from hate, discrimination and being 'othered' in the media, on social media and in their daily lives.


To counter hateful narratives in the media and online that perpetuate fear and division in society.  

Led by the Media Diversity Institute and in collaboration with six organisations from countries across Europe, we identify and respond to hateful narratives about Judaism, Islam, Christianity and other religions that we find in traditional media and online media.

Follow our journey.



European media lens: Reporting on the UK riots and their broader implications  

Our Reactions

The significance of words: Why Choosing the Right Article Matters 

Our partner in Belgium, the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) sent a complaint letter to media outlet Doorbraak following their publication on May 11th, 2024, titled ‘German Christian Democrats want to regain power: ‘Our politics are opposite of what Greens are doing’. 

Challenging Hate Speech: ALDA’s Stand Against CNEWS’s Problematic Broadcast 

Our project partner in France, ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy), an organisation advocating for democracy and human rights, sent a complaint letter to CNEWS, a prominent French news channel, regarding a video featuring commentator Pascal Praud.

Upcoming events

Stay tuned! Join us for articles, resources and discussions around combating online hate speech. You can also participate in our campaign launches and activities, and engage in interactive sessions to create an inclusive world.

Undivided Action : Join our campaigns

Echoes of Hope

Join us in celebrating Refugee Week as we amplify the voices of hope and showcase the strength within every face displaced by conflict.

Shared Voices

Engage in meaningful conversations that bridge cultures and beliefs, fostering unity in our diverse world.

Call It For What It Is

In response to the recent UK riots, our campaign aims to address the surge of misinformation and hate speech circulating online, with a particular focus on religious intolerance.

Educate yourself against hate